Book List: re Italian Americans
1. Customs and Habits of the Sicilian Peasants,
2. A House in Sicily, Daphne Phelps
3. The Sicilian, Mario Puzo
1. "The Fortunate Pilgrim", by Mario Puzo...written in 1964, before his Godfather fame.
2. "Una Storia Segreta, --The Secret History of Italian American Evacuatio and Internment During WWII",
by Lawrence DiStasi
3. "Ital Actors -- 101 Years of Italian Americans in US Entertainment", by Michael Bacarella.
Chicago authors:
4 by Dominic Candeloro
Italians in Chicago --- Images of America)
Chicago's Italians: Immigrants, Ethnics, -- Americans Making of America,
5 Leaving Little Italy, by Fred Gardaphe
6 Tooty's Corner, by Michael Maione
7 Little Sicily, by Dr. Bruce P. Zummo
8 Altavilla, Sicily, by Calogero Lombardo
CIAO, AMERICA! An Italian Discovers the U.S. By Beppe Severgnini
From his temporary home in the suburbs of Georgetown, Washington, D.C., Italian newspaper columnist Severgnini turns
a curious eye toward Americans, their bureaucracy and labor-saving gadgets. The reporter sees through all America's gimmicks
the fat-free, guilt-free, buy-now, pay-later mechanics of advanced capitalism but he is not adverse to her charms. Both repelled
and attracted by the wonders of convenience living, he finds a joyous horror in channel-hopping, mall shopping, and the pursuit
of comfort, in our abuse of English ("La-Z-Boy is a veiled invitation to commit a cardinal sin") and our blatant lack of sartorial
know-how ("The President of the United States jogs through the city in shorts that display his milk-white thighs"). In other
hands, such a memoir could have been a jingoistic cliche-fest. Severgnini, though, is a master in the vein of Bill Bryson,
and his every criticism is matched with admiration. The result is a sardonic tale of cultural bewilderment, an incisive
peek into the mundane obsessions of our American existence that makes the commonplace, be it a fixation with weather statistics
or an air-conditioning complex, seem not only insane but extremely funny.
La Bella Figura, A Field Guide to the Italian Mind Beppe Severgnini
A witty guide to the Italian character, hugely popular in Italy, including the apparently never-ending Italian passion
for beauty, great love of disorder and high emotion. An Italian journalist, witty guide to the Italian character, hugely popular
in Italy, including the apparently never-ending Italian passion for beauty, great love of disorder and high emotion. An Italian
journalist, Severgnini opens with a snapshot of the hubbub at Malpensa airport, taking the unwary reader firmly by the hand
on a journey to Milan,Tuscany, Rome, Naples and Sardinia. He hilariously points out Italian rituals and quirks from the highway
to hotels, bedrooms, restaurants, the office and beach.
Books: Italian and Sicilian History: COI List
1) A History of
Sicily, M.I. Finley, Denis Mack Smith and Christopher Duggan, Elisabeth Sifton Books, Viking,
2) The Oxford History of Italy, George Holmes, Oxford University Press, 1997.
3) A Concise History
of Italy, Christopher Duggan, Cambridge University Press, 1994.
4) A History of Sicily, Modern Sicily: After 1713,
Denis Mack Smith, Viking Press, 1968.
5) Italy: A Short History, Harry Hearder, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
The Oxford Illustrated History of Italy, George Holmes, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Sicilian Life Style:
Customs and Habits of the Sicilian Peasants, edited and translated by Rosalie N. Norris: written by Salvatore Salomone-Marion,
2) Little Novels of Sicily: Stories, Giovanni Verga, translated by D.H. Lawrence, Steerforth Press, 1955.
Midnight in Sicily, Peter Robb, Vintage, 1999.
4) Introduction to Sicilian Grammar, J.K. ?Kirk? Bonner, Legas, 2001.
From Sicily to Elizabeth Street, Housing and Social Change amoung Italian Immigrants, 1880-1930, Donna R. Gabaccia, State
University of New York Press, 1984.
6) In the Garden of Papa Santuzzu, Tony Ardizzone, Picador USA, 1990.
The Moral Basis of a Backward Society, Edward C. Banfield, The Free Press, 1958.
8) The Mafia of a Sicilian Village
1860-1960, Blok, Anton, xxxxxxxxxxxx
9) The Sicilian, Mario Puzo, Ballantine Books, 1984.
10) Palermo Story,
Gabrielle Marks,
11) A House in Sicily, Daphne Phelps, Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1999. 12) Traditional Houses of Rural Italy,
Paul Duncan, 13) Milocca, A Sicilian Village, Charlotte Gower Chapman, Schenkman Publishing Co., 1971. 14)
Sicily, An Illustrated History, Joseph Privitera, Hippocrene Books, 2002. 15) The Stone Boudoir, Theresa Maggio,
Perseus Publishing, 2002. Immigration: 1) Immigrants Who Returned Home, Betty Boyd Caroli, Chelsea House Publishers,
New York, 1990. 2) Why Sinatra Matters, Pete Hamill, Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1998. 3) The Italian
Americans: Troubled Roots, Andrew Rolle, The Free Press (A Division of Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1980. 4)
American Fever: The Story of American Immigration, Barbara Kay Greenleaf, Four Winds Press, New York, 1970. 5)
The Rise of Industrial America, Page Smith, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984. 6) A Nation of Immigrants, John F.
Kennedy, Harper & Row, 1964. 7) The Soul of an Immigrant, Constantine M. Panunzio, The Macmillan Company, NewYork,
1922. 8) Americans by Choice, Angelo M. Pellegrini, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1956. 9) La Storia,
Five Centuries of the Italian American Experience, Jere Mangione & Ben Morreale, HarperCollins, 1992. 10) Unto
The Sons, Gay Talese, Alfred a. Knopf, Inc. (A Borzoi Book), 1992. 11) Grandmothers, Mothers, and Daughters, Oral Histories
of Three Generations of Ethnic American Women, Corinne Azen Krause, Twayne Publishers, 1991. 12) Ninth Day
of Creation, Leonard Crane, 1998. 13) One Family Two Worlds, 1901-1922, Baily and Ramella, Rutgers University Press,
1988. 14) Reinventing Free Labor, Padrones and Immigrant Workers in the North American West, Gunther Peck, Cambridge
University Press 2000. 15) The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, Columbia University Press 16) Rites of
Passage, William Golding, Playboy Paperbacks, New York, 1982. 17) Coming to America: the Story of Immigration, Betsy
Maestro, Scholastic, NY, 1996. 18) The Promised Land, Mary Antin, Houghton Mifflin, 1925. 19) A Nation of
Immigrants, John F. Kennedy, Harper & Row, 1964. 20) American Dream: An Immigrant?s Quest, Angelo Pellegrini, North
Point Press, 1986. 21) The Story Of The Italians In America, Michael Musmanno, Doubleday & Co., 1965. 22)
Wop: a Documentary History of Anti-Italian Discrimination in the United States, Salvatore John LaGumina, Straight Arrow
Books, 1973. 23) Pride of Sicily, Paul Miceli, New York: Gaus' Sons, 1950. 24) The Italian Immigration of Our
Times, Russell and Russell, New York, 1968. 25) Immigration and the Labor-Supply, Don D. Lescohier, The Atlantic
Monthly; April 1919; Volume 123, No. 4; pages 483-490. 26) Restriction of Immigration, Francis A. Walker, The Atlantic
Monthly, June, 1896; Volume 77, No. 464; pages 822-829. 27) A Nation of Nation?s, Louis Adamic, Harper & Brothers,
1944. 28) The Uprooted, Oscar Handlin, Little, Brown and Company, 1951. 29) In The Steerage, Harper?s New Monthly
Magazine, vol. 31, no. 185, Oct. 1865. 30) The Steerage: A Sham Immigrant?s Voyage to New York in 1888, Brooklyn
Eagle Press, 1919. 31) How The Other Half Lives, Studies Among the Tenements of New York, Jacob Riis, Charles Scribner?s
Sons, 1890. 32) Strangers at the Door, Ann Novotny, Viking Press, 1971. 33) Rosa, The Life of an Italian Immigrant,
Marie Hall Ets, Univ. of Minneapolis Press, 1999. 34) American Immigration, Maldwyn Jones, Univ. of Chicago Press,
1960. 35) They All Chose America, Albert Maisel, New York: T. Nelson, 1957. 36) The Soul of an Immigrant, Constantine
Panunzio, New York Arno Press, 1969. 37) Crossings, The Great Transatlantic Migration, 1870-1914, Walter Nugent,
Indiana University Press, 1995. 38) Coming to America, A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life, Roger
Daniels, HarperCollins, 1990 39) Were You Always an Italian? Ancestors and Other Icons of Italian America, Maria
Laurino, Norton & Company, 1990. 40) In the Garden of Papa Santuzzu, Tony Ardizzone, Picador USA, 1990. 41)
Militants and Migrants, Rural Sicilians Become American Workers, Donna Gabaccia, Rutgers University Press, 1949. 42)
The Immigrants Speak, Italian Americans Tell Their Story, Salvatore J. LaGumina, Center for Migration Studies, 1979. 43)
The Americans Gerald A. Danzer, Gerald and Louis E. Wilson, Evanston, McDougal Littel, Inc., 1990. 44) After the
Fact: The Art of Historical Detection, James West Davidson and Mark Hamilton Lytle, Alfred A. Knopf, 1986. 45)
The Uprooted, Oscar Hamdlin, Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1973. 46) The Italians in America, Michael Musmanno, Doubleday
and Company, 1965. 47) America is also Italian Mangione, Jerry. G. Putnam and Son's, 1969. 48) American Mosaic:
The Immigration Experience in the Words of those Who lived It, Joan Morrison and Charlotte Fox Zabusky, E.P.Dutton, 1980. Buffalo,
New York: 1) Blood of My Blood, Richard Gambino, Doubleday, 1974. 2) The Age of Martyrs, Giuseppe Ricciotti,
Translated by Anthony Bull, Bruce Publishing, 1959. 3) The National Integration of Italian Return Migration, 1870-1929,
Dino Cinel, Cambridge University Press, 1991. 4) City of Light, Lauren Belfer, Batam Dell Publishing Group, Random
House, 2000. 5) Ellis Island Interviews, In Their Own Words, Peter Morton Coan, Facts On File, Inc., 1997.
[] 6) Island of Hope, Island of Tears, Brownstone, Frank & Brownstone, Rawson, Wade Publishing, 1979.